enjoy your JOURNEY

A Space That Awakens Emotions


Our philosophy reflects the way we perceive the world, the way we act, our conditioned minds, and our emotions. We design with inspiration from the courage of different communities and their philosophies, which embrace all colors, light, and shadow.

We would like to encourage you to strengthen the bond with your heart and soul and create unforgettable moments which are relaxing, stimulating, and joyful with our collection “a space that awakens emotions”.

Pura Vida from Costa Rica; a philosophy that brings to mind that life isn’t ‘that much’ hard even if we find ourselves in difficult situations and that we need to accept every experience and emotion through the flow of life, even if it’s hard to bear.

Hakuna Matata from Africa; a philosophy that advises us to enjoy life and take it easy as long as we breathe, even if life offers us tragedy or difficulties.

Ubuntu from Africa; a philosophy, a guide that says if we see ourselves as a part of the whole, and besides our ego, focus on the community we live in, we can create a much safer, nourishing source.

Ho’oponopono is from Hawaii; a philosophy based on trust and understanding shows ‌it’s possible to repair the troubles with a positive attitude, to create solutions, and to preserve our boundaries in relationships healthily.

Buen Vivir from Ecuador; a philosophy that reminds us to live life happily by valuing what we have, rather than what we could have, by focusing on the needs of our collective life and besides our socio-economic status quo and our material wealth.

Aloha is from Hawaii; a philosophy that says the absolute truth is love, and we should patiently be on our journeys by accepting who we are and being grateful to everyone around us and everything that surrounds us.

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Relax and calm down on your journey to the flow for slow and sustainable living.